
About Me

I’m a 40s something craftoholic who has just recently rediscovered a passion for sewing!  With an undergrad background in Art and a degree in Management, I spend my days working for a large bank as IT Technical Lead…..go figure!

My obsession with arts and crafts has been a part of me since the day I was first handed a box of Crayons.  When I’m not busy redecorating  my home and husband, I’m usually in class at the local art center learning a new craft.  That’s where sewing comes in.  Although I’ve always made my own window dressings, table coverings and other household items, I’ve not attempted clothing until recently.  I enrolled in a beginner’s sewing class in the summer of 2011 to learn step-by-step how to make my own garments and I haven't looked back.

This blog is my sojourn into sewing ~ with mistakes, lessons learned and hopefully a few successes!

Questions?  Feel free to email me at anastaciaf at yahoo dot com :)